San Mateo County Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: Proposals for a 12 month pilot for legal off-leash trail access in Pillar Point Bluffs and Quarry Point county parks moved a step in the direction toward implementation.
Commissioners voted to move two proposals for pilot off-leash access in Pillar Point Bluffs and Quarry County parks to a vote at the next San Mateo County (SMC) Board of Supervisors meeting in the fall of 2021. Peninsula DOG was instrumental in rallying support for the off-leash proposals at this meeting. Next steps are as follows:
- After eight more days for public comment following the August 5th meeting, the SMC Parks and Recreation Commission will forward two proposals that would enable a 12 month pilot program for off-leash dog access in Pillar Point Bluffs and Quarry Point Park County parks to the SMC Board of Supervisors for approval at their September/October meeting.
- If approved (we need a good presence at this meeting!), then the County will apply for a coastal use permit later this fall.
- If the coastal use permit is approved, then the County will set up the trails for off-leash access (signage etc.).
- It is our expectation/hope that the off-leash dog trail pilot program would start in December 2021 or January 2022.